Firmamızın Hikayesi …
Kurucumuz Hüseyin Avni Bey, İç Anadolu’nun çeşitli illerinde 1910-1945 yılları arasında
buğday, arpa, yulaf, çavdar, yonca ve yem bitkileri üretimleri yapmıştır. İnönde ailesi
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan modern Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne geçiş yıllarında yeni bir
ülkenin doğuşunda Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün yanında yer almıştır. Selânikli Hüseyin Cahit
Bey’e tarım alanındaki önder çalışmaları sebebiyle İnönde soyadı M. Kemal tarafından
1910 yılında İzmir’in Buca bölgesine göç ile yerleşen aile bağcılık yapmış, RAZAKİ adıyla
anılan üzüm çeşidinin ıslah çalışmaları ve üretimlerini yaparak, Ege bölgesinden Avrupa
ülkelerine ihracat yapan Fransız firmaları ortaklığı ile ihracatını gerçekleştirmiştir.
Ailenin diğer bir kolu Aydın ve Isparta illerinde gül ve zeytin fidanı üretimi ile aromatik
bitkilerin ekstreleri ile zeytin yağı üretimi alanında çalışmışlardır. 1960 yılından itibaren
süs bitkileri fidanı ve çiçek üretimine başlayan Abdullah İnönde 1967 yılında Mevsim
Tohumculuk ünvanı ile çim, çiçek ve sebze tohumları ticareti yaparak, verimli ve kaliteli
tohumları üreticilere ulaştırmış, EGE Bölgesinde tohumculuğun güven simgesi olmuştur.
1988 yılında Çim Tohumculuk Ziraat Ltd. Şti. ünvanı ile çalışmalarını Türkiye genelinde
devam ettiren Ali İnönde birçok ziraat mühendisi, tekniker, peyzaj mimarı ve satış
elemanlarına tohumculuğun sorumluluğunu ve uygulama tekniklerini öğreterek sektöre
eleman kazandırmıştır.
2000 yılından itibaren yeni bir anlayışla, üstün yetenekli, teknik ve dinamik satış kadrosuyla
Çiğdem İnönde ve Ali İnönde tarafından yönetilen aile şirketimiz 500 ü aşkın bayi, peyzaj
ve inşaat firmaları ile birçok Belediye ve resmi kurumlara malzeme satışı, teknik hizmet,
danışmanlık ve yeşil alan tesisleri konusunda uygulamalar yapmaktadır.
1910 yılından beri şirket yapısını, çağdaş anlayışa göre yenileyen firmamız kendisine
duyulan güveni her zaman hak etmiştir. Kaliteli ürünlerle rekabet içinde olduğumuz birkaç
firmanın verdiği pozitif enerji ve konusunda uzman çalışanlarımızın özverili çalışmalarıyla
100 yıldır Türkiye, Ortadoğu ve Türki Cumhuriyetlere hizmeti gururla sürdürmektedir.
Nice Yüzyıllara Çim Tohumculukla...
Firmamızın Hikayesi …
Our founder Mr. Hüseyin Avni, produced wheat, barley, oat, rye, clover and forage crops all over the
central Anatolia between 1910-1945. İnönde Family has taken its side by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk while
the Republic of Turkey rises from the Ottoman Empire. The surname is given by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
by himself to Thessaloniki born Mr. Hüseyin Cahit because of his leading progresses on the agricultural
In 1910, The family which moved to Buca, Ä°zmir started to viticulture process and by producing and
breeding of the ‘’RAZAKI’’ called grape variety, they had made the exportation with their French
partners from Aegean Region to Europe.
The other part of the family worked on the rose and olive plants production and extraction of aromatic
plants and olive oil in Aydın and Isparta. Starting from 1960, the production of ornamental plants and
flowers had started by Abdullah İnönde which later in 1967 founds the Mevsim Tohumculuk. With this
foundation, he had traded the grass, flower and vegetable seeds and assured that these efficient and
high-quality seeds to reached to the producers and had seen as the symbol of trust by the seed growers
in Aegean Region.
In 1988, by the name of ‘’Çim Tohumculuk Ziraat Ltd. Şti.’’, Ali İnönde continued to his progresses all
over Turkey with lots of agricultural engineer, technician, landscape architect and salesmen by teaching
them how to be efficient in seed growing and application techniques and bring them in the business.
Since 2000, our family company, which is led by Ali İnönde, Çiğdem İnönde and their talented, dynamic
team, had sold materials, provided technical support and assistance, done practices about green field
facilities over 500 dealers, landscaping and building firms, governmental organizations.
Since 1910, our company, which renews its structure towards the modern understanding, had earned
the trust he had seen by the business world. By the positive feedback of our rival companies and the
assistance of our beloved team, over 100 years, we have been working with Turkey, Middle East and
Turkic Republics with pride.
0-5 mm / 0-6 mm / 0-10 mm / 0-10 mm (NPK) / 0-20 mm / 0-40 mm
Turf: It is created by the piles of plants which exists in lake beds, swamps and under the similar
water areas by being exposed to an airless environment and rot during years. It is %100 natural
substance. Low on volume weight, has high capacity on water holding and organic components.
It ensures the water and fertilizer to be provided to the plant slowly and regularly in applied
environment. It prevents the fertilizer to washed off from the soil. Helps soil to stay humid and
loose. Turf, is an organic soil regulator which regulates the air and humidity qualitiy of soil around
the roots following an ideal growth.
Organic matter : Sphagnum ssp.
Grade : 0-6 mm /0-10 mm /0-10 mm (NPK) /0-20 mm /0-40 mm
Ph : 4,5-6,5
EC : 0,5 ms
Bulk Density : 1,50-1,70
Air Capacity : 24
Water Capacity : 18 (65-80%)
Total Porocity : 95
Organic Matter : 95
Degree Of Decomposition : H1-H5
• Grass area facilities
• Potted plants
• Developing soil quality in greenhouses
• Increasing the organic components of soil
• Creating a suitable pH environment in alkaline and acidic soils
• Protecting humidity around roots during watering
• Protecting roots of fruit trees from nip
It is germination turf. Suitable to be used in viols. Also can be used in seasonal flower germination.
In viol, used as preparing vegetable and ornamental plant production soil mixtures. Can be mixed
with perlite and vermiculite when it is used.
In viol, used as preparing vegetable and ornamental plant production soil mixtures. Accelerates
the process by its components which consists NPK.
It is used in providing seasonal ornamental plants’ production soil mixtures and grass area
facilities as covering soil mixture.
It is used in providing production soil mixture for tree bushes and width leafed plants in big potts.
It can be used in indoor plants as reinforcement.
Known as coconut fibers, is used in grafting and seedling
production while no-soil agriculture. It is an organic growth
product provided by coconut shell and fibers. It can be used
in landscape areas like greenhouse environments, potted
plant and vegetable productions. A compressed package of
cocopeat is coincides as 60-70 liters of fibers.
Packaging: 30 x 30 x 15 – 29 x 29 x 16 blocked measurements
Perlite which is generally used in farming and
greenhouse agriculture must be used mostly in grass
areas. It is widely used by causes such as providing
necessary soil conditions, protecting humidity by
increasing the soil density which decreases water
drainage, creating a breeding area for seedlings, airing
the soil. Its dimensions and colors are dependable
according to the expansion quantity however it has a
range of 2-10 mm and closer to a pure white color.
Packaging: 200 lt. bags – 1 m3 bags
Granul Leonardite, develops soil structure, airs it and
loosens the clayey soil, holds the water preventing
drought. It regualtes by stippling the soil Ph and decreases
saltiness, prevents erosion by increasing the organic
ingredients in soil and nutrient losses by blocking the sub
soil nutrient getaways so it increases the effectiveness of
fertilizer. Provides assitance to root development and
airing, especially aims vertical root growth so plant can
absorb more nutrients from its root system.
Packaging: 25 kg bags and pouring
Vermiculite, collects water and fertilizer in itself with its
qualfication of slowly releasing fluids which absorbed and
gives to the plants’ roots, providing it to proceed with
growth in a healthy way. It has thermal insulation and
consists of a maximum amount of high air capacity. High
Yüksek anion-cation changing quality. Its Ph is in range of
5-9. Grain width is on average of 1,4-4,00 mm.
Packaging: 100 lt.
It is used as sun protection from open or closed environments for fruit, vegetable,plant and flowers which grow
in greenhouse or soil ares. Their lengths and widths vary according to applied area. According to its occupation
cause it shading density varies between %35 to %95.
%55 Shading Net %75 Shading Net
Base cover or known as mulch cover generally produced black. It is used to prevent weed spreading
and sunlight. Can be produced in a range of width from 1.05 meters to 5.25 meters. Generally 3 m width
is used in markets.UV katkılıdır. It helps you to use it against the sunlights for a long time. Prevents
fungi diseases on soil in greenhouses. On its top there are green fibered grids so this ensures potts to
be organized in an order in plantations.
Viol is a breeding environment used in plant seeds of plant and vegetable to grow into seedlings.
According to the type of seed, depths of viols, type of plastic raw materialquantity of cells, diameter
and water evacuation holes can vary. Furthermore, after production there are breakable viols for easy
selling procedures. There are 24 – 28 – 35 – 45 – 48 – 60 – 77 – 85 – 104 – 128 celled viols.
Our grass limiter and seperator product can be used in landscape and garden designs, providing
an easy solution for applications while organizing. By this means you can achieve desired looks
in your designs.
What Are Grass Limiter and Seperator?
Our grass limiter and seperator product are plastic materials which can give you precise and clear
areas while organizing during your landscape and garden design processes. Materials which are
easy to use and apply gives you the desired aesthetic professional garden and landscape design.
General purpose of the product is to seperate grass, soil, rock hardscape or landscape when it is
applied to a certain area. It also used to reshape these areas with its strip produced structure.
Where Grass Limiter and Seperator Are Used?
*Landscape applications
*Garden design applications
*Seperating grass and soil areas
*Pebble, rock, soil and plant area seperations
*Landscape designs of the parks
*Asphalt surfaces and substructures of the rock structures
What Are The Benefits Of Grass Limiter and Seperator?
Provides a proffesional and aesthetic garden and landscape designs during application
It is durable since produced by high quality materials
The maintenance of garden and landscape become easier
It provides a consistency in grass, rock, soil seperation in its applied areas
Easy in installation and application
It is budget-friendly by its low prices
Roll length : 25 meters
Height : 7,5 cm
Base width : 6 cm
Produced by PVC raw material which is durable against UV rays
Its chemical endurance is high and smooth
It is durable againg oil and acid bitumen
It is not affected by mold and moss
There are stripes on its vertical surface increasing endurance
On its base, there are cuts to give a curvy look and holes on the cuts to apply plastic poles during
applications so it is easy to install.
For each meters, 4 poles are needed in 15 cm. They are given in sets.
To attach 25 meters balls, there are plastic connectors. For each 25 meters 1 connector is used.
Black, green, Brown and aluminum colors are available
Roll length : 25 meters
Height : 7,5 cm
Base width : 5 cm
Produced by PVC raw material which is durable against UV rays
Its chemical endurance is high and smooth
It is durable againg oil and acid bitumen
It is not affected by mold and moss
There are stripes on its vertical surface increasing endurance
On its base, there are cuts to give a curvy look and holes on the cuts to apply plastic poles during
applications so it is easy to install.
For each meters, 4 poles are needed in 15 cm. They are given in sets.
To attach 25 meters balls, there are plastic connectors. For each 25 meters 1 connector is used.
There are canals which provides attachment for NEON LED. Easy to bend.
Black, green, Brown and aluminum colors are available
Grass protecting grates, are cellular attachment systems which are used in
regular pedestrian and vehicular usage areas for reinforcing the grass and
ground. Its open cell structure lets healthy grass root growth and water
releasing. Design of the grates, with its stripes on its base and interocking parts
provides durability against load bearing and slipping.
51 cm x 49 cm (4 pieces product is 0.99 m2) h: 4 cm
On palette 360 piece of product (palette: 110 cm x 130 cm)
Inside block cells growth soil mixture must be filled. After grass seed is spread
to the whole area, they must be covered with 1,5-2 cm thick covering soil and
compressed with hand cylinder.
Raw material
UV durable, recyclable PP
Cell Structure
Cell Dimensions
40 mm (height) - 60 mm (cell diameter) - 2 mm
510 mm x 490 mm
Module Weight
± 860 gr
Splay Area Usage
Can be used until 45° sloped areas
Carrying Power
350 tons / m² (filled)
Base holding
Special base striped to prevent sliding of modules
%98 permeable
Durable against oil, acid, alkaline and bitume
Not affected by mold, moss like biological
Heat Endurance
Not affected by heat variations
Before application the area must be cleaned by litters which might cause
disruption of levelling procedures. Area must be limited by any type of limiter.
Must be used drainage system in needed areas.
According to the traffic and vehicle weight which varies in usage qualification,
it must be applied on top of a 5-45 cm filled surface with filling such as pebbles,
agrega and crushed rocks and compressed again by the surface. Sprinkler and
any kind of substructure elements must be applied according to montage
Must be spread a webless geotextile which weights 80-120 gr/m2 on a
compressed ground.
On top of the geotextile a grass breeding soil with a thickness of 6-8 cm.
Some of our natural stone varieties
Dolomit White Stone Rainbow
1*2 - 2*4 - 4*6 - 6*10 cm 4*6 - 6*10 - 10*20 - 20*30 cm 2*4- 4*6 - 6*10- 10*20- 20*30 cm
Granite Granite Discuss Leylac
2*4 - 4*6 - 6*10 - 10*20 cm 5-10 cm 2*4 -4*6 -6*10 -10*20-20*30 cm
Redline River Pebbles Granite Cubes
By leaving 2-3 cm blank left by limiters, block products must be added by
eachother and closed while they look at the same direction.
Parking lots, Airplane and Helicopter Tracks, Uçak ve Helikopter Pistleri,
Pedestrian Roads, Golf Vehicle Roads, Wheelchair Roads, Stadiums, Festival
Areas, Parks, Multi-purpose Activity Areas etc.
2*4 - 4*6 - 6*10 - 10*20 - 20*30 cm 7-12 cm 4*6 - 6*10 - 8*10 - 15*17 cm